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The Art of the Bean and Leaf

Bourbon Infused Tanzanian Peaberry

Bourbon Infused Tanzanian Peaberry

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Whole Bean or Grind Level
A limited release and very unique coffee bean.  We procured a freshly poured bourbon barrel from a local distillery and added Tanzanian Peaberry beans to the barrel.  The beans were then agitated weekly in the barrel and aged for approximately three months before being removed.  We roast these beans at a medium roast and the aroma is intoxicating delicious.  The end result is a non-alcoholic coffee bean which captures the essence of bourbon and the deep floral flavors of the Tanzanian Peaberry bean.  This is not your morning cup of coffee, but a drink to be savored on a lazy day or among a group of friends at a BBQ.
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