Our Roasting Process

Our mission is to provide our customers with the best tasting coffee experience.  This means the coffee we offer needs to be fresh, consistent and taste smooth without bitterness.  To achieve this mission, we order green coffee beans on an as-needed basis.  Further, we measure and roast coffee beans in small batches every weekend through our fluid bed roaster (discussed in more detail below).

 Roasting Coffee

Our fluid bed roaster evenly controls roasting temperatures and filters out the bean chaff, which is the outer layer of the bean.  This is achieved by heating air and then blowing the air through the roaster bed.  This process causes the beans to rest on a “bed” of heated air and yields a constant rotation where the beans are evenly roasted.  Plus, as the bean is heated the chaff is separated and blown into a separate holding container.  By removing the chaff, the beans are exposed to less smoke and are not susceptible to scorching.  As a result, our fluid bed roaster makes a smoother, cleaner tasting coffee without any bitterness.


Drum roasters, on the other hand, are the most common roasting method especially for large coffee houses that also sell their products through various retail supermarkets.  In a drum roaster, the beans are inside a rotating drum with heat coming from underneath.  This leads to uneven temperatures as beans towards the top of the drum are exposed to cooler temperatures and those exposed to the bottom are exposed to more intense temperatures.  As the drum spins, the beans are being moved and heated at various temperature degrees leading to an inconsistent roast.  Also, in drum roasters, the bean chaff is left in the drum causing smoke and resulting in the coffee having a bitter tasting profile.